Dietary Surveys

The review of the current guidelines and dietary surveys that enable the development of nutritional,  dietary and physical activity recommendations better suited to lifestyles today, has been one of the main objectives of the "Consensus Meeting on dietary survey methodology, the definition of physical activity and healthy lifestyles", held in Laguardia (Rioja) on 18 and 19 September 2014.

During this meeting the "Consensus Meeting on the methodology of dietary surveys, classification of physical activity and healthy lifestyles" was approved. The development of this document has involved more than 35 experts in nutrition, diet, physical activity medicine, pharmacy, sport and health in general.

Given this new paradigm, it is essential to unify methodological and nutritional assessment criteria so that comparative studies can be carried out to complement current knowledge and incorporate new technologies. Only then can more precise assessments that reflect current realities be developed.

The quality of diet and physical activity play an important role in preventing health problems such as overweight and obesity within the new models of dietary surveys and physical activity, as the experts emphasize.

Learn more about the Consensus on the methodology of dietary surveys. Click here