II Congreso Internacional y IV Español de Hidratación

II Congreso Internacional y IV Español de Hidratación


Hydration physiology, adequate intake and energy expenditure


Rosa Mª Ortega, Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology. Complutense University of Madrid.

Eric O’Neal, Professor at the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. University of North Alabama. Alabama. United States of America.


Beverages consumption and energy contribution from the ANIBES study

Emma Ruiz

Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN). Madrid. Spain.

Date and place:

2-4 december 2015, Toledo


Hydration analysis methods and population studies


Gregorio Varela-Moreiras. Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology. CEU San Pablo University. Madrid. Spain.

Ryszard Gellert. Professor of Medicine and Chair of the Department of Nephrology. Medical Centre for Postgraduate Medicine. Bielanski Hospital. Warsaw. Poland


Beverage consumption habits amongst the Spanish population: association with total water and energy intake. Findings of the ANIBES study

Mariela Nissensohn. Research Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain. Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition Institute (CIBERobn). Institute of Health Carlos III. Madrid. Spain.

Date and place:

2-4 december 2015, Toledo


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